Got the glasses. Found out that my insurance doesn't cover them until November. So I had to pay for them with my credit card, in TEN MONTHLY PAYMENTS, because that's the only way I could do it.
I'm really worried about money right now. Today I found out that Bank of America in Seattle charged my account $30 as the annual fee for my Alaska Airlines bank card. The catch? I don't have an Alaska Airlines card. They did the same thing exactly this time of the year last year, when I was moving from Seattle and coming back to Argentina. They always pick financially stressful times, it seems : )... No worries, though. I bought a phone card and spent about 40 minutes on a long distance call to Seattle. The card they issued and sent to my old address will be trashed, I will get a new one, and the $30 will be credited back to my account tomorrow.
All this I complain about because I'm ungrateful, really. There's no other way to get around it. After all, I did get the glasses, and the card thing worked out after all.
The happy moment today: volunteering at the soup kitchen at church and having the kids pose for me like no one ever has. It was touching, how unused they were to photography, and what an honor they thought it was to get their picture taken. Oh, the things I take for granted.
Check out the kids here. They're beautiful.