These are the glasses I chose.
It has been more than once that I've asked myself why I chose these, and why I chose them in this red shade, and why they look so funny in front of my face.
But they're the ones I've chosen, and I shall have to stick by my decision. You'll notice in the photo that they are either a little crooked/wrongly positioned, or my face is crooked/wrongly positioned in general. I'd like to blame it on the glasses, if you don't mind.
Also, there's a bump there on my jaw... as if I had a tooth infection (which I don't... at least not on that side!)... I'd also like to say that the bump is caused by the glasses. Anything funny you see on there, don't doubt it: it can be traced back to the glasses.
ULTRA FRESH NEWS: tomorrow, at 6 am, I start training for a new job. The training will last 5 weeks. Every day, it starts at 6 am. No, I'm not leaving my old job. Nor school. I shall, however, probably be joining a mental hospital quite soon. The verse about doing everything without complaining takes on a whole new meaning and it certainly does seem more challenging now.
So, yeah. That's it.