congrats on the new place and good luck (well not luck really, i wish there were an equivalent christian-y phrase) on your big move. i hope the tiny space isn't contributing to the unabomber look.
: )
Tim emailed me to say, regarding my post:
I just wanted to point out that the "smoke absorbing thing" on top of
an oven or cook top is called a "range hood".
You know, I have no idea why?
Thanks : )

So, children, here's the scoop. In just 8 days, I'm moving to Rosario, an Argentine city 4 hours away from where I currently live, which is where I've lived all my life except the times I've lived in the States.
I'm moving so I can be closer to my grandparents, who are not doing well at all and need all the family they can get. My mom is an only child, and she lives here in Buenos Aires as well and cannot move there. I, on the other hand, can move, and I will.
On Friday I made a deposit on a studio apartment, which is T I N Y. When I say tiny, I mean extremely small. I picked this apartment over larger ones that would have cost about the same because it's in a really good part of town. While I like older neighborhoods and older houses/apartments, they are often not the safest choice for a girl living on her own. So I chose TINY - which I do believe will be the apartment's name - because it's "located in the heart of the city" and close to many useful places.
Again, when I say "tiny," I am talking about 19 square meters, which might mean nothing to you, so I shall say it in feet: 198 square feet. I have never been good with measurements, so I try to think in terms of what I know: my dad. My dad is 5 centimeters short of 2 meters, so I measure things in "dads." According to my calculations, my apartment is 1,79 dads wide and 2,82 dads deep. If you are currently scratching your head and asking yourself how on earth this is a useful measuring tool, allow me to explain. I simply imagine my dad stretched out on the floor. So, "one dad and almost an entire dad" wide, and "practically three dads" the other way. Excellent measurement tool, if you ask me, because whenever I need to remember how big the apartment is, I can just look at my dad and multiply him.
I seriously do calculate measurements this way : )...
Ok, so for more details. The room (since it IS just a room) has tile floors, so we shall be purchasing a carpet ASAP. It has two windows, which is good - I need all the light I can get. It has ample closet space considering how small the apartment is. The kitchenette is right next to the door, and has a pretty modern oven and a smoke-absorving thing on top (which I can't remember what to call in English!). There is a little sink there and some kitchen cabinets, also quite spacious given TINY's scale.
The bathroom is also relatively big, and has only a shower (no bathtub). The shower is just a shower head, and nothing divides it from the rest of the bathroom. There's no border on the floor, no door, or any kind of protection. It's weird, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out.
The apartment number is 6·E, if you ever want to stop by for coffee or tea. It'll be nice, we'll sit on the floor or something : )...
Right now I'm trying to figure out what kind of refrigerator to get. I still have to pay for my camera and I'm having to dish out a lot of money for the initial month of rent and the "first and last" stuff, as you can imagine. However, I still need to eat, so I'm working hard to find a very small refrigerator at a good price. I can get one cheaper if I get it used, but then I have to pay for it in one installment. If I buy it new, it's more expensive, but I can pay for it in "six easy monthly payments." Decisions, decisions.
Anyway, enough details for now. I'm moving in on May 23rd, and I estimate that I shall have Tiny decorated by the 24th. We're having a warming party for him on the 25th.
See ya.